Cost Control & Secretary

Created by LEC Team
Last updated Mon, 27-Mar-2023
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This course also focuses on the importance of providing exceptional internal and external customer service and the impact of doing this. Also Planning and management control are essential for contemporary organizations. This Essentials of Budgeting & Cost Control training course will include widely used tools and techniques for short-term planning, monitoring and sustaining performance – budgeting and budgetary control.


Course Objectives of Cost Control & Secretary

  • Define and understand the role of the office manager and administrator

  • Implement verbal and written communication strategies needed for carrying out responsibilities in an effective manner

  • Develop a service attitude and mindset aimed at the internal and external customer

  • List the main causes of stress and apply the techniques needed to control them

  • Develop an integrated planning, budgeting and reporting process

  • Actively participate in the budgeting process within the organisation

  • Analyse cost behaviour and manage costs more effectively

  • Master traditional and innovative approaches to budgeting and cost control


Day 1
The role of the office manager and administrator

  • Perception versus reality

  • The 3Ds of successful administrators: dramatically and demonstrably different

  • Competencies required for success

  • What it takes to be a 'star' at work

  • Identifying your role

Day 2
Effective verbal and written communication skills
  • Improving credibility and gaining recognition

  • Importance of having a positive attitude

  • Being assertive

  • Selling your ideas to the boss, colleagues, subordinates, and clients

  • Preparing a professional presentation

  • What constitutes professional business writing

  • Style and layout

  • Obtaining your objective with the reader

  • Expectations of readers

Serving the internal and external customer

  • Understanding the needs of internal and external customers

  • Removing services barriers

  • Providing excellent service

  • Breaking down the silo mentality

  • Handling complaints

Day 3
Management Control

  • Budget target-setting, participation, and control

  • Strategic planning, budgeting, and management control systems

  • Key elements of planning: setting objectives, and responsibility accounting

  • The role of financial control, and management accounting concepts

  • Advantages and disadvantages of budgeting

  • Budgeting within your organisation

Day 4
Budgeting and Cost Control

  • The essential stages of the budgeting process

  • Types of budgets, incremental and zero-based budgeting

  • Budget preparation: operating budgets and cash budgets

  • Variable costs and fixed costs

  • Contribution and marginal costing

  • Decision-making using marginal costing, and cost/volume/profit (CVP) analysis

Day 5
Traditional, and Activity Based Costing & Budgeting
  • Costs and activities

  • Direct costs and indirect costs, product costs and period costs

  • Cost allocation and absorption costing

  • Product cost cross-subsidisation, and activity-based costing (ABC)

  • Activity based budgeting (ABB)

  • Budgetary control: standard costs, flexed budgets and variance analysis

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