The Essentials of Secretary Skills

Created by LEC Team
Last updated Mon, 27-Mar-2023
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Additionally, you will completely have the chance to review the results of anxiety at the workplace as well as methods to transform stress and anxiety into an advantage. You will certainly also learn how mastering your reliable use of time will unavoidably improve your efficiency and reduce your stress and anxiety. An additional topic you will delve into is organizing and running an effective and expert meeting. Finally, you will learn in detail, just how you can enhance your phone dealing capabilities.

Training course Goals of The Fundamentals of Assistant Abilities

  • Specify as well as comprehend the function of the workplace supervisor and also manager
  • Implement spoken as well as written interaction techniques required for accomplishing obligations in a reliable manner
  • Develop a solution attitude as well as a mindset focused on the inner and also exterior consumer
  • List the main root causes of stress and anxiety and apply the techniques required to regulate them
  • Use time management strategies required for much better workplace productivity
  • Arrange meetings effectively
  • Handle telephone calls correctly and also expertly

Day 1
The role of the office manager and administrator

  • Perception versus reality

  • The 3Ds of successful administrators: dramatically and demonstrably different

  • Competencies required for success

  • What it takes to be a 'star' at work

  • Identifying your role

Day 2
Effective verbal and written communication skills
  • Improving credibility and gaining recognition

  • Importance of having a positive attitude

  • Being assertive

  • Selling your ideas to the boss, colleagues, subordinates, and clients

  • Preparing a professional presentation

  • What constitutes professional business writing

  • Style and layout

  • Obtaining your objective with the reader

  • Expectations of readers

Serving the internal and external customer

  • Understanding the needs of internal and external customers

  • Removing services barriers

  • Providing excellent service

  • Breaking down the silo mentality

  • Handling complaints

Day 3
Stress management techniques
  • Causes and symptoms

  • Identifying your stressors

  • How stress affects performance

  • Formulating a comprehensive stress management plan

Managing time

  • Identifying and eliminating time wasters

  • Setting goals and priorities

  • Using measures to control and improve your effectiveness

  • Planning and managing time for self and others

  • Preparing time logs and learning from them

Day 4
Organizing meetings

  • Elements of an effective meeting

  • Preparing the agenda

  • Meeting common time wasters

  • Taking minutes of meetings

  • Responsibilities of meeting leaders and participants

Day 5
Using the telephone properly
  • Professional telephone behavior

  • Rules for good listening

  • Steps in the professional handling of an incoming call

  • Dealing with difficult callers

  • Identifying common phone problems and formulating solutions

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Updated Mon, 27-Mar-2023
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