On the other hand, the course covers practical tips and skills for corporate secretaries to develop their skills and knowledge and bring their practices closer to international best practices.
Training Objectives of Certificate in Board of Directors Secretary
Grasp the role of the board secretary in ensuring regulatory compliance and governance;
Get acquainted with the tools used to create the annual report of the board;
Understand the international best practices for the Secretary of the Board of Directors.
Understand the scope of work, role, and responsibilities of the Secretary of the Board of Directors.
Learn how to deal with governance challenges faced by companies.
Contributing to decisions by establishing a set of requirements that must be researched, analyzed, and benchmarked
The key principles and elements of a good corporate governance framework and the board secretary’s role
The skills needed by board secretaries to manage relationships within a corporate governance system
The key activities and qualifications of a board secretary
The structure of a secretariat
Effective Meetings and Minute-taking
The part played by the board secretary in preparing for, during, and after a meeting
Practical tips, good practices, processes, and procedures for board secretaries
Introduction and use of board portals
Drafting minutes and developing an action log in line with best practice
Styles of behaviour that impact the dynamics of a meeting
The skills and techniques a board secretary needs to support a productive working climate during a board meeting
How a board secretary can help a chairman manage conflict
The board secretary’s role in influencing change
The skills a board secretary needs to influence change
How to influence change
Board Members
Describe the board secretary’s role in advising board members on their roles and responsibilities
Advise the board members on their duties and liabilities
Develop policies on and strategies to deal with conflicts of interest, related party transactions, and breaches of duty
Describe the board secretary’s role in developing and organising a board evaluation
Develop strategies to deal with issues raised by a board evaluation
Describe the board secretary’s role in promoting professional development
Explain the system of delegation of authority within an organisation
Describe the different roles of the board and management
Analyse the board secretary’s role in helping to make the system of delegation work effectively
Describe the role of the board secretary in assisting the board (audit committee) in fulfilling their financial oversight responsibilities
Explain the role of external auditors
Describe the components in a set of financial statements
Explain ratio analysis and its importance to boards
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