Advanced Executive Secretarial Skills

Created by LEC Team
Last updated Mon, 27-Mar-2023
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This interactive, discussion-based course will give participants the opportunity to learn and develop these skills. Participants will return to their workplaces empowered and able to contribute even more effectively to the success of their organization.


Course Objectives of Advanced Secretary Skills

  • Take on independent or leadership roles, work in teams when needed, and interact confidently with peers and managers

  • Utilize excellent communication skills to be even more impactful in the workplace

  • Structure their workload for optimal performance and results, using effective time management strategies

  • Build effective relationships with direct managers by adapting to different working styles

  • Manage conflict as well as understand and influence colleagues using Emotional Intelligence (EI)

Day 1
Building on existing skills

  • The role of an office professional in the 21st century

  • Communication skills and techniques

  • Confidence as a tool

  • Assertiveness in the workplace

  • Time management under pressure

  • Organizational skills

Day 2
Managing the workload

  • Task planning

  • Prioritizing the workload

  • Understanding the business – the big picture

  • Taking control of the workload

  • Change management in the work environment

  • Effective goal setting

Day 3
Communicating effectively
  • Active listening

  • Effective business letter writing

  • E-mail writing

  • Minutes writing

  • Note writing

  • Report writing

Powerful presentation skills

  • Creating presentations

  • Winning the room

  • Presentation styles

Day 4
Managing relationships

  • Image and perception management

  • Effective working relationships

  • Working styles

  • Identifying styles

  • Adapting to work styles

  • Having valuable meetings

  • Being a team player

  • How and when to delegate

Day 5
Emotional intelligence
  • Understanding and influencing behaviors

  • Expressing needs and opinions with clarity

  • Giving and receiving feedback

  • Resolving conflict

  • Utilizing empathy to achieve a common goal

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Updated Mon, 27-Mar-2023
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00:00:00 Hours
Updated Mon, 27-Mar-2023
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