The Art of Supervisory Leadership

Created by LEC Team
Last updated Mon, 27-Mar-2023
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Course Objectives of The Art of Supervisory Management

  • Distinguish between monitoring and also management
  • Determine their toughness and also leadership designs via self-assessments
  • Examine different management concepts with a focus on situational management
  • Define the major proficiencies of Psychological Intelligence (EI)
    Define the role of the leader as delegator and change agent.

Day 1
Leaders, not managers

  • Definitions, similarities, and differences

    • Some classical differences

    • Modern-day differences

  • Myths about leadership

  • Practices of exemplary leaders

    • Challenge the process

    • Inspire a vision

    • Model the way

    • Enable others to act

    • Encourage the heart

  • The perennial question: nature or nurture

  • The ten truths about leadership

Day 2
Personal style and leadership qualities

  • Personal style and leadership qualities

    • Self-assessment

      • Administration and scoring

    • Linking style with leadership qualities

    • Characteristics of admired leaders

    The leadership journey and situational leadership

    • Review of major theories

      • Trait theories

      • Behavioral theories

    • The leadership grid

    • Situational leadership: theory and simulation

      • Situation’s maturity level

      • Levels of development

    • Maturity levels and leadership styles

Day 3
The emotionally intelligent leader

  • An overview of EI

  • Intrapersonal and interpersonal intelligence

  • Emotional Quotient (EQ) versus Intelligence Quotient (IQ)

  • The EI competency framework

  • The 18 EI competencies in practice

    • Brainstorming real-life examples

Day 4
Leadership, delegation, and empowerment

  • Delegation: definition, objectives, and rules

  • Delegation levels

  • Why delegation is not popular

  • Guidelines for delegation

  • Empowerment: definition

  • Ten ways to empower employees

  • Is your organization ready for empowerment?

Day 5
The leader as a change catalyst

  • The nature of change

  • Kotter’s eight-step change process model

  • Understanding and dealing with resistance to change

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00:00:00 Hours
Updated Mon, 27-Mar-2023
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Dates Venues Price Details
2023-11-06 Berlin $5750 Details
2023-12-04 Berlin $5750 Details