Introduction to Application Exercises, KPI Case Studies, Tools, Templates, and Supplemental Resources
Introduction to KPIs and Strategic Management
Different Types of KPIs
Understanding Strategic Context and Goal Setting
Developing and Mapping Strategic Objectives
Creating the Right Performance Measurement Culture to Build Buy-in
The Process of Developing Performance Measures
Step 1: Describe the Intended Result(s)
Step 2: Understand Alternative Measures
Using the Logic Model to Develop Alternative Measures
Using the Process Flow Analysis to Develop Alternative Measures
Step 2: Understand Alternative Measures, cont.
Using the Cause-Effect Analysis to Develop Alternative Measures
Step 3: Select the Right Measurement(s) for Each Objective
Step 4: Define Composite Indices as Needed
Step 5: Set Targets & Thresholds
Step 6: Define and Document Selected Performance Measures
Course Application: Develop Measures for Your Own Organization
Developing Measures for Strategy Execution
Developing Measures for Operations
Developing Measures for Projects
Developing Measures for Employee Performance
Measuring and managing risk: developing KRIs (Key Risk Indicators)
Creating KPI Alignment by Cascading Objectives
Managing Strategically with Performance Information
KPI Development Application Project for Delegate Organizations
Final Participant Application Project Presentation and Discussion
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