Emotional Intelligence for Managers & Leaders

Created by LEC Team
Last updated Mon, 27-Mar-2023
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Course Objectives of Emotional Intelligence for Managers & Leaders

  • Describe the nature and also theories underlying emotional intelligence
  • Determine their stamina as well as unseen areas with self-assessments
  • Specify the numerous EI expertise and also identify areas for enhancement as needed
  • Exercise empathy-building skills with emphasis on active listening
  • Analyze the influence of various management styles and their linked competencies on business climate and also fundamental outcomes

Day 1
Emotional intelligence

  • History: definition, theories, and models

  • Intelligence: cognitive intelligence

    • Intrapersonal and interpersonal intelligence

  • Emotional intelligence defined

  • Emotional Quotient (EQ) versus Intelligence Quotient (IQ)

  • IQ and EI predictions

  • Research findings

  • The framework of EI competencies

    • Daniel Goleman’s competency framework

Day 2
Self Awareness and Self Management: The Cornerstones of EI

  • The impact of self-awareness

  • The impact of social awareness

  • Self-assessment and discovering your personality type

  • Scoring and interpretation of results: the four dimensions

  • Extraversion and introversion

    • Sensing and intuition

    • Thinking and feeling

    • Judgment and perception

  • Dealing with various types

Day 3
The Conceptual Model
  • The competency framework

  • The four competency clusters

    • From self-awareness to relationship management

The Competencies of EI

  • Competency defined

  • The competency iceberg

  • The core of EI: self-awareness

  • Self-management competencies

  • Social awareness competencies

  • Relationship management competencies

  • Definitions and real-life examples

  • Core questions, underlying behaviors, and tips for improvement

Day 4
Empathy: a Critical EI competency

  • Definition and examples

  • Empathy and active listening

  • The personal listening profile: determining your preferred approach to listening

    • Appreciative listening

    • Empathic listening

    • Comprehensive listening

    • Discerning listening

    • Evaluative listening

Day 5
EI Competencies & Leadership Styles
  • The power of leaders: influencing organizational climate

  • Organizational climate: the six components

  • Correlation between EI competencies, styles, climate, and results

Leadership Styles

  • The six styles

  • When best to use each style

  • Impact of styles on climate and bottom-line results

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00:00:00 Hours
Updated Mon, 27-Mar-2023
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Dates Venues Price Details
2023-10-09 Berlin $5750 Details
2023-11-06 Berlin $5750 Details
2023-12-04 Berlin $5750 Details