Understanding your leadership role and its relation to communication
Organizing your ideas using mind mapping
Presenting vs. Public Speaking
Importance of communication to any leader
Essentials of public speaking
Communicating tasks and assignments effectively
Communicating performance issues
Identifying the characteristics of a credible leader
Establishing your credibility firmly
Five main sources of power of any leader
Maximizing the leader’s effectiveness with emotional intelligence
Understanding the ingredients of emotional intelligence
Creating a positive professional image within the organization
Changing communication style depending on team member and condition
Motivating through communication
Creating an environment of engagement
Knowing your employees
Managing your employees' expectations
‘Selling’ your ideas to an audience
Creating a persuasive message that evokes the right emotions
Reframing a message from negative to positive
Reframing a message from subjective to objective
Adjusting your message to accommodate the audience’s needs, wants, and style
Communicating difficult news or unpopular messages
Leading and communicating during a crisis
Principles of ethical leadership
Ethical dilemmas faced by leaders
Identifying techniques for building consensus
Describing how to secure commitment and cooperation to your change initiatives
Exploring the stages of effective change management
Creating healthy inter-departmental cooperation and communication
Controlling and managing rumors
Dealing and managing office politics
The four types of grapevine chain
Leading cultural change
Transparency in an organization: how far should we go?
Choosing the right channel for communicating your message
Communicating and leading your organizational vision, mission and values
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