The Global Approach to Leading During Crisis

Created by LEC Team
Last updated Mon, 27-Mar-2023
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This workshop is not done for non-decision makers. This workshop is developed for leaders that have the eagle sight and also the ability to change and react to change.

Recent adjustments worldwide like agitation, pandemic, and health dilemma determine brand-new strategies and techniques to run organisations and maintain a presence. So, once again, those managers, leaders, CEOs, and board members need to grasp new comprehension & abilities in terms of critical planning, situation administration, media interaction during a situation, and the adaptation of innovation to make it through.

Workshop Goals of The Worldwide Strategy to Leading During Situation

  • Apply calculated thinking to evaluate their present setting as well as establish their business passion after the situation
  • Evaluate as well as select approaches that create a lasting competitive advantage for the company
  • Convert strategic plans to running strategies by turning risks into chances
  • The use of the web as well as remote monitoring during & after the crisis
  • Talk about experiences & lessons gained from different countries

Day 1
Strategic thinking and planning after Covid-19

    • Strategy safari

    • The strategic management process updates

    • Strategic thinking versus strategic planning

    • Benefiting from new circumstances (turning threats into opportunities)

    Effective Remote Management

    • Work continuity during Crisis

    • Design your own new online working environment:

    • Remote communication & motivation in changing environments

    • Optimize IT Technology & Applications to boost communication

Day 2
Analysis of the environment

  • Porter's 5 forces

  • Creating and capturing value

  • Conducting a SWOT vis-à-vis TOWS analysis

  • Fundamentals of the PEDESTAL framework

  • Succeeding in strategic analysis

Day 3
Assessing strategic choices

  • The 3 primary goals of competitive strategy

  • Porter's generic competitive strategies

  • Value chain

  • Innovating in the industry value chain

  • Developing a competitive advantage

  • Strategic choices in parallel to Media & public image

Day 4
Developing operating plans

  • Cascading from vision to action plans

  • Criteria for effective action plans

  • Developing strategic initiatives

  • Developing departmental plans

  • Managing the execution of strategy

  • Some countries response plan and approaches the Pandemic (UK, Europe, UAE, KSA, & Turkey)

  • Connecting the dots backward

Day 5
Crisis Management and Crisis Communication
  • Brand image and reputation

  • Internal communications

  • External communications

  • Stakeholders

  • Operational partners

  • Social media communications

  • Other miscellaneous issues


Training Methodology

  • Presentations & Videos

  • Hands-on application & mini-workshops

  • Open discussions

  • Group learning through learning activities to enhance communication

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Updated Mon, 27-Mar-2023
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00:00:00 Hours
Updated Mon, 27-Mar-2023
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00:00:00 Hours
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Dates Venues Price Details
2023-11-06 Berlin $5750 Details
2023-12-04 Berlin $5750 Details