Introduction to the Balanced Scorecard
Benefits of the Balanced Scorecard
Linking Mission and Vision to operations
Application and uses of the Balanced Scorecard
The Financial, Customer, Process perspectives in detail
Overview of the Balanced Scorecard creation process
Strategy maps and Strategic Themes
Strategic Measures and Strategic Targets
Create a strategy-centric organisation
The Learning & Growth perspective in detail
Define strategy, identify strategic themes and build strategic linkages
Engage the leadership team
Importance of data collection, interviews, and focus groups
Strategic documentation
Work with the Case Study
Strategic objectives and strategic themes
Purpose of strategic measures and their relationship with KPIs
Lead and lag measures
Develop appropriate measures using the Strategy Map
Examples of measures for each of the four perspectives
How to implement the Balanced Scorecard
Lag and lead measures
Determine measures and targets
Map strategic initiatives
Case study activities
Set appropriate stretch targets for each objective
The Strategic Management System and performance management
Map strategic initiatives for HR
Plan for implementation
Bring about successful change
Communicate the Balanced Scorecard
Develop appropriate targets using the Strategy Map and Measures
Cascade the Balanced Scorecard across the organisation
Strategy Review Meetings
Case study activities
How to make it work in your organisation
Create an outline project plan
Identify key roles and key players
Case study activities
Top Tips for success
Create a personal plan of action
Lessons learned from the programme.
Write a public review