Strategic Executive Leadership in Government

Created by LEC Team
Last updated Mon, 27-Mar-2023
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Developing and carrying out effective policies, taking care of modification, taking care of crises, and engaging with a wide variety of stakeholders are essential abilities for government officials at all degrees, whether designated or elected.

This training program on Strategic Management in the Federal government will certainly give techniques and tools to improve the leadership efficiency of government officials as well as enable them to take a tactical method to handle the concerns that face a modern-day federal government.

Course Purposes of Strategic Management in Government

  • Recent international trends and advancements in government leadership
  • Exactly how to guarantee high ethical requirements are preserved
  • Just how to create an effective organizational society
  • Efficient strategies and tools for creating as well as carrying out top-quality policy
  • How to take care of change
  • Exactly how to take care of dilemmas
  • Efficient stakeholder involvement

Day 1
Introduction to Strategic Government Leadership

  • The Purpose of Government

  • Ethics, Values, and Standards

  • Human Rights

  • Transparency and Accountability

  • Global Trends and Developments

  • Challenges Facing Government Departments Today

Day 2
Organisational Culture and Performance

  • What is culture?

  • Shaping an Effective Organisational Culture

  • Maintaining an Effective Culture

  • Effective Team Performance

  • Performance Management

  • Feedback and Appraisal

Day 3
Policy Development and Implementation

  • Setting Policy Priorities

  • Policy Development

  • Effective Consultation

  • Impact Assessment

  • Delivering Policy

Day 4
Crisis Management

  • Planning for a Crisis

  • Roles and Responsibilities

  • First Response

  • Managing the Crisis

  • Crisis Communication

  • Managing the Aftermath

Day 5
Stakeholder Engagement

  • Who is a stakeholder?

  • Stakeholder Mapping

  • Engagement Strategies

  • Public Consultation

  • Grievance Mechanisms

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Updated Mon, 27-Mar-2023
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00:00:00 Hours
Updated Mon, 27-Mar-2023
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