Public Speaking & Presentation Skills for Leaders

Created by LEC Team
Last updated Mon, 27-Mar-2023
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Public speaking is called for in nearly every service duty, yet a variety of aspects create many specialists to battle when talking in front of an audience. Attend this Public Talking & Discussion Skills training course and also learn to provide with confidence!

Training course purposes of Public Speaking & Discussion Abilities for Leaders

  • Talk openly in a convincing, confident, and succinct style
  • Supply dynamic and also reliable presentations
  • Employ an approach to create materials that sustain a compelling speech
  • Build audience connection through eye contact, singing shipment, and body language
  • Sharpen your public speaking abilities by integrating responses

Day 1
Speak like a Leader Six Rhetorical Devices by Lancaster

  • Breathless x3

  • Repetition x3

  • Balance x3

  • Metaphor

  • Exaggeration

  • Rhyme

Day 2
Prepare for success

  • Write according to the laws of attractions

  • Secrets to Commanding Attention and Getting Results

  • How to speak effectively and win over the audience

  • Prepare your script and rhetoric

  • Techniques to impress your audience

Day 3
Designing a professional presentation

  • The 5 key elements

  • Problem: what problem?

  • PowerPoint Its uses and flaws

  • Other methods of presenting

Day 4
Delivering a presentation that has an impact

  • Posture

  • Legs and feet

  • Arms and hands

  • Gestures

  • Delivering without notes or props

  • Use of the voice

  • Facial expressions

  • The words used

Day 5
Overcoming anxiety when presenting
  • Planning and preparation

  • Rehearsal

  • Top tips for calming nerves

  • Visualizing success

Think fast and talk smart

  • 8 secrets from Speak Like a CEO

  • Practice 15-minute sessions

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Updated Mon, 27-Mar-2023
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00:00:00 Hours
Updated Mon, 27-Mar-2023
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00:00:00 Hours
Updated Mon, 27-Mar-2023
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00:00:00 Hours
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Dates Venues Price Details
2023-11-06 Berlin $5750 Details
2023-12-04 Berlin $5750 Details