Enhancing Manpower Planning & Training Management

Created by LEC Team
Last updated Mon, 27-Mar-2023
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Training Course Goals of Improving Manpower Planning as well as Training Management

  • Consider a number of strategic designs for workforce planning
  • Master and also be able to utilize approaches to explore anticipating fads.
  • Develop company methods in order to manage the workforce planning procedure
  • Strategy and also implement action prepare for self as well as individuals/managers associated with the Workforce Preparation process
  • Connect all the above stated to managing the training function in an organization

Day 1
The dynamic role of manpower planning vis-à-vis Training Management

  • Introductions, programmed, objectives, and ways of working

  • HR models and how to satisfy potential future organizational structures

  • The growing business importance of HR manpower planning (HRMP)

  • The changing shape of organizations and work requirements – the effects on today’s organization

  • Trends – right-sizing; what’s appropriate – use of decision-making tools and examples

  • The four main areas of manpower planning – Strategic focus, Data and analysis, manpower planning, and people development including a case study

Day 2
The strategic focus on manpower planning from first principals

  • The new HR strategic map

  • How to use a strategic template – exercise and case study

  • Measuring organizational maturity – a trigger for manpower planning activities – exercise

  • Converting strategy into workable plans, the collection, and analysis of business data to trigger appropriate action

  • Techniques for delivering on time and on budget

Day 3
Manpower, forecasting, trend analysis, and Training planning

  • Understanding trends – examples and exercise

  • Use of predictive software to support the supply of manpower

  • How to measure relationships and understand results – exercises

  • The need for using unit costs – exercise

  • Individual measurements, exactly how competencies are structured

  • Managing expectations and individual’s needs

  • Measuring and forecasting individual’s performance using behavioral techniques

Day 4
Manpower supply – Business planning and manpower re-engineering

  • Selecting the “right” principal for manpower supply

  • Consider the three approaches to succession planning

  • The use of pre-selection for key posts – the role of psychometric testing, emotional intelligence assessment centers, agreements, and visual development maps

  • Business review – why manpower planning should be considered and where it has an impact

  • Explore the linkages and interrelation with training

Day 5
Making the Manpower planning process fit together to maximize results
  • The use of management tools and techniques to achieve maximum effect

  • Why performance appraisals on their own don’t work for selection into development pools

  • Three approaches, talent pool, individual selection, and headhunting

  • The cooperation needed in order to achieve the business benefits

  • How the whole manpower planning process should ‘fit’ together with HR & Training function

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Updated Mon, 27-Mar-2023
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Updated Mon, 27-Mar-2023
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