Corporate Business Development Professional

Created by LEC Team
Last updated Mon, 27-Mar-2023
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Program Objectives of Corporate Organization Advancement Expert

  • Specify the main features and ideal practices in Service Development (BD).
  • Recognize the importance of redefining business processes to match the ever-changing market and customer demands.
  • Create clear sales and advertising differentiators to neutralize competitors (value-based proposal).
  • Style and use financial ratios and Trick Performance Indicators (KPIs) to determine their operations' performance.
  • Use leadership, settlement, and power propositions to take advantage of their business and also lead the key account group.

Day 1
Business development: overview and best practices

  • Business development: definition and scope

  • Account analysis and qualification: an overview

  • The new landscape of account management and BD

  • Understanding the buy-sell ladder model

  • Client classification: building an ideal client profile

  • Understanding and working the customer loyalty ladder

Day 2
The business planning process

  • Using the STAR business planning process:

  • Strategic analysis

  • Targets and goals

  • Activities

  • Reality check

    • Conducting customer surveys to identify important service criteria

    • Preparing an account development plan

    • Building client chemistry with F.O.R.M.

Day 3
Creativity and problem solving

  • The need for thinking skills

  • Mental structures of college students

  • Stages in problem-solving and decision making

  • The human brain

  • Understanding the two hemispheres of the brain

  • Critical thinking

  • Lateral thinking

  • Mental blocks to creative thinking

  • Brainstorming

  • The six thinking hats

Day 4
Effective negotiation skills

  • The definition of negotiation

  • Some negotiation philosophies

  • The difference between persuading and negotiating

  • The five stages of the negotiation process

  • The critical rules of negotiation

  • The phases of the purchasing decision

  • Establishing relative importance of differentiators

  • Influencing decision criteria

  • Vulnerability analysis

  • Workshop: completing your negotiation plan

Day 5
Building and leading the business development team
  • Stages in team formation

  • Building a high-performance team

  • Defining team roles

  • The team motivation mix

  • Management versus leadership

  • Practices of exemplary leaders (industry practices)

Writing business proposals that sell

  • Writing a typical business proposal

  • Formatting tips and tricks for winning proposals

  • The process of developing successful project proposals

  • Workshop: creating your own project proposal

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Updated Mon, 27-Mar-2023
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00:00:00 Hours
Updated Mon, 27-Mar-2023
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00:00:00 Hours
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Dates Venues Price Details
2023-10-09 Berlin $5750 Details
2023-11-06 Berlin $5750 Details
2023-12-04 Berlin $5750 Details