Certified Public Relations Professional

Created by LEC Team
Last updated Mon, 27-Mar-2023
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Program Purposes of Certified Public Relations Officer

  • Set Corporate Affairs in critical anticipatory as well as effective context
  • Establish an understanding of stakeholder programs for normal, concentrated interaction
  • Check out the growth of Corporate Matters devices
  • Comprehend the growth of strategy/plans/tactics and collaborate with these
  • Assess and use research
  • Discover the tools and methods called for to take care of track records in a complicated media setting
  • Take care of expertise within the business for reliable media management
  • Forming external perceptions of their company by top-notch company internal communications
  • Create a tactical approach and a clear plan of action

Day 1
The Power of Communication:

  • Goal setting

  • Corporate Affairs and Public Affairs approaches

  • Corporate identity and image

  • Corporate communications overview and strategy

  • External reputation management Communication as a change agent

  • Communication is a goal for all managers

Day 2
From the Inside Out: Crafting Consistent Messages:

  • Internal communications

  • Family and friends as Stakeholders

  • Measuring emotional capital

  • Communications channels mapping and monitoring

  • Setting internal communications goals

  • New media for rapid interaction

  • Champions, opinion formers and incentivisation

  • The place of the company magazine/newsletter

  • The multinational internal communications program

  • Commitment from internal decision-makers

Day 3
Risks and Threats: Their Identification and Management:

  • Single issue politics

  • Special interest groups

  • Whistleblowers and the rules of disclosure

  • External opinion formers

  • Cause-related PR and core values

  • Campaigns, their design, and planning

  • A crisis management toolkit

  • Stakeholder interest inventories

  • Opinion former networks

Day 4
Corporate Affair/PR in the Corporate Mix:

  • PR in the communications mix

  • PR in the marketing mix

  • Direct response PR

  • Financial PR

  • PR and strategy

  • Brand PR

  • Persuasion measurement techniques

  • Integrating PR/Communications and marketing plans

  • The art of leveraging

  • Corporate affairs and customer relations

Day 5
Powerful and Persuasive Action Planning:

  • Measurement of performance: bottom-line impact

  • Translating strategy to tactics

  • Horizons for PR and corporate affairs development

  • Tools and Techniques summary: a tactical inventory

  • Recruiting allies: a networking approach

  • Justifying the plan and convincing top management

  • Making the most of other disciplines to maximize results

  • Individual and group consultancy

  • Further sources of help and information

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