Advanced Negotiation Skills

Created by LEC Team
Last updated Mon, 27-Mar-2023
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This Advanced Settlement Skills training course is made to describe the arrangement procedure thoroughly and also show how to utilize it successfully, offering delegates the negotiation abilities as well as methods they need to do well in today's challenging commercial environment.

Program Goals of Advanced Negotiation Abilities

  • Have a deep understanding of the crucial evaluation of the arrangement process as well as just how to influence others to get more of what you want and needs

  • Have actually created a range of extremely efficient negotiating abilities and methods that can be used in a range of scenario
  • Have the ability to efficiently analyse, plan and get ready for every arrangement
  • Understand the advantages of regulating and also checking out body movement when affecting others
  • Have become an extra effective and certain arbitrator
  • Have actually improved an essential operational, administration and also leadership ability that will certainly increase your efficiency on a daily basis

Introduction to Negotiation - The Starting Point for Improvement

  • Thinking Outside-the-Box

  • Positivity & Negativity and Its Affect on Negotiation

  • Applying a Positive Attitude to the Negotiation Process

  • Proposal Format – simple, focused & logical

  • Placing Yourself Above the Competition with Your Proposal

  • The Psychology of Negotiation - Knowing your Opponents Driving Force

  • The Feel-Good Factor

  • Questioning & Listening Techniques

Understanding Behavioural Style to Negotiate Better

  • Knowing and Understanding your own Behavioural Style – Keys to how you negotiate

  • Negotiation Style Assessment

  • Approaches to Negotiation

  • The ‘Win-Win’ and Why it is misunderstood

  • The Two Distinct Approaches to Negotiation

  • Communication Style and the Negotiation Process

  • Adapting to Different Communication Styles

  • Negotiation and Ethics

Developing a Strategic Approach to Negotiation

  • A Strategic Approach to Negotiation - Distributive negotiation strategies

  • BATNA, Zone of Possible Agreement

  • Openings, Anchors, Offers and Counter Offers

  • A Strategic Approach to Negotiation - Integrative Negotiation Strategies

  • Sharing Information, Diagnostic Questions & Unbundling Issues

  • Package Deals, Multiple Offers and Post-settlement Settlements

  • Knowing and Maintaining your Sources of Negotiation Power

  • Sales Negotiation Behaviour – A Practical Approach

Interests, Planning and Understanding Body Language

  • Wants and Needs – The importance of identifying needs

  • Emotional Intelligence and its Role in Negotiation

  • The Importance of Body Language and Non-verbal Behaviour

  • What is Body Language and how do we accurately read it?

  • Understanding Thoughts from Body Language

  • How to use your own Body Language to negotiate more effectively?

  • Resolving Disputes – learning to mediate to create better deals

  • Techniques of the Mediator - practical mediation skills to help resolve disputes

Negotiating with Different Nationalities and Cultures
  • Face to Face Negotiation – dealing with different cultures

  • British & American

  • Japanese & Chinese

  • French & German

  • Advice for Cross Cultural Negotiators

  • International Team Negotiation Exercise

  • Putting Negotiation Techniques into Practice – putting a deal together

  • Summary Session and Questions 

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