Islamic Banking and Finance

Created by LEC Team
Last updated Mon, 27-Mar-2023
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Experts anticipate that the Islamic financial network will overtake the conventional financial system at the existing price of growth in the following 8 to one decade. Islamic Financial Finance differs from traditional banking. Strictly how Islamic finance follows the Sharia, and a key element is a prohibition on collecting and also paying interest. Ruling out most aspects of contemporary financing permits money to be used for trading concrete properties and also a business.

Program Objective of Islamic finance as well as money

  • An intro to the basic principles of Islamic banking and financing
  • Discuss the theories and principles of the Islamic financial tools
  • Understand as well as examine money concepts in the light of Islamic philosophy/ Islamic Sharia
  • Financing mechanisms as well as contemporary methods for Islamic business economics and money
  • Outline the difficulties faced in the change of the money sector as well as the economic climate from interest-based settings to interest-free purchases

Day 1
Basic of Islamic Banking

  • Islamic Law and Jurisprudence

  • The Contract Law

  • Fundamental principles of Islamic Finance

  • Factors of Production in different economic systems

  • Prohibition of Riba in Islam

Day 2
Economic Systems and the emergence of Islamic Banking

  • Islamic and other economic Systems

  • Factors of Production in different Economic systems

  • Islamic Appraisal of Conventional Commercial Banking

  • Islamic Alternatives

Day 3
Deposit products and Financing Products (Equity-Based)

  • Current Account Deposit

  • Saving Deposits

  • Investment Deposits

  • Trustee Partnership (Mudarabah) Facility

  • Joint Venture (Musharakah) Facility

  • Issues in Product Management

  • Areas of Application

Day 4
Financing Products (Debt-Based)

  • Deferred Payment Facility

  • Leasing (Ijara) Facility

  • Deferred Delivery Sale (Salam) Facility

  • Manufacture-Sale (Istisna) Facility

  • Recurring Sale (Istijrar) Facility

  • Benevolent Loan (Qard) Facility

  • Areas of Application

Day 5
Fee-Based Product, Investment banking, and other Islamic Appraisals
  • Letter of Guarantee

  • Other Fee-Based Services

  • Islamic Appraisal of Conventional Investment Banking

  • Islamic Appraisal of Conventional Project Finance

  • The limited liability concepts

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