Contract Leadership for Non-Legal Professionals

Created by LEC Team
Last updated Mon, 27-Mar-2023
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This training course will make certain that you establish you're aware and also skills. This training program is essential for all employees within the organisation. Every organisation relies upon agreements to protect the passions of the firm and also take care of risk effectively. Every person in the organisation must recognize the concerns and processes associated with a contracting circumstance.

Program Goals - Contract Administration for Non-Legal Professionals

  • Recognise the appropriate having approach to take on
  • Show how contracting techniques can be made use of in various scenarios
  • Improve the ability of supervisors to evaluate contracts
  • Show a few of the risks that exist within contracting
  • Control contract arrangements better

Day 1
The Basis of Contracting

  • Why we use contracts

  • Legal requirements for a valid contract

  • Oral contracts

  • Electronic contracts

  • Terms and conditions of the contract

  • Authority to contract

Day 2
Risk and Different Contracting Types

  • How to assess and manage risk

  • Traditional contract types

  • Modern contract types

  • Bonds and Guarantees

  • Letters of Intent

  • Which Law? 

Day 3
Major Contract Terms

  • Obligation to perform

  • Defective goods

  • Liability issues

  • Indemnities and Insurance

  • Intellectual property

  • Force Majeure 

Day 4
Changes and Variations, Payment and Close-out Issues

  • Changes and Variations

  • Payment issues

  • Letters of Credit

  • Warranty claims

  • Suspension and Termination

  • Contractual issues on close out

Day 5
Negotiation, Avoidance, and Resolution of Disputes
  • Negotiation, compromise, and settlement

  • Litigation

  • Arbitration

  • Mediation

  • Expert Determination

  • Dispute Review Boards

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Updated Mon, 27-Mar-2023
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