Spreadsheet for Planning, Forecasting & Budgeting (Advanced Excel)

Created by LEC Team
Last updated Mon, 27-Mar-2023
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  • By establishing much better spread sheets & models, planning is more precise, forecasting is more accurate & budgeting is more possible. And also the moment to develop these is considerably decreased.

    Forecasts, plans, and budget plans may be enhanced through comprehensive what-if analysis to discover key factors for administration to keep an eye on. Moreover, these devices can be conveniently transferred into business plans which guide the firm's total efficiency.

Training Course Objectives of Spread Sheet for Preparation, Projecting & Budgeting (Advanced Excel).

  • Understand the different Excel devices offered to do preparation, projecting & budgeting.

  • Do advanced "what-if" situations to boost decision making.

  • Know what Excel strategies to utilize in a provided scenario.

  • Make use of the most sophisticated spreadsheet techniques.

  • Learn to utilize & increase a series of Excel models.

  • Understand the threats & rewards of numerous preparation choices.

  • Compute the influence of alternate inputs on essential outputs.

  • Comprehend the cost/benefit of every choice.

    Improve their understanding with using the designs in the case research.

Day 1
Spreadsheets using Excel

  • Worksheet fundamentals

  • Using the F4 key for Relative & Absolute cell references

  • Expose ALL formulas in a worksheet using the built-in function for faster review

  • Naming cells & ranges for quicker, more accurate work

  • Freeze panes, columns & rows for easier viewing while scrolling

  • Protecting cells & ranges to stabilize models

  • Function wizard benefits

  • Linking cells from various worksheets to reduce errors

  • Secret keyboard shortcuts

Day 2
Professional Planning

  • Introduction to planning

  • What-if analysis:

    • Scenario analysis techniques

    • Sensitivity analysis using spinners & scroll bars

  • Economic Order Quantity (EOQ)

  • Build out Data tables to see an entire range of options

  • 1-way Data tables

  • 2-way Data tables

  • Maximizing vs. optimizing techniques

  • Utilizing The Goal Seek command to calculate a reverse equation

  • Using Solver to calculate optimal product mix, distribution problems & capital budgeting

Day 3
Fantastic Forecasting

  • What is forecasting?

  • Qualitative techniques & their uses

  • Quantitative techniques & their uses

  • Smoothing techniques

  • Regression analysis

  • Time series analysis

  • Forecasting growth rates for verification

  • Internal (IGR)

  • Sustainable (SGR)

  • MIN and MAX functions

  • MEDIAN, MODE & AVERAGE functions

  • GEOMEAN to calculate Average Growth Rate (AGR)


Day 4
Proper Budgeting

  • What is the budget?

  • How to build a simple budget

  • Build a Flexible Budget Model

  • Build out a complete budget

  • Operating budget elements

  • Financial budget elements

  • Linking them

  • What is the Variance Analysis report & why is it important to improve your budget

  • Calculating variance analysis to see what must be changed

Day 5
Building The Comprehensive Model (Workshop)

  • Build your planning model

  • Build your forecasting model

  • Build your budgeting model

  • Link these together

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