Internal Audit

Created by LEC Team
Last updated Mon, 27-Mar-2023
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Training course Objective

  • Gain the self-confidence to prepare, perform and follow-up on audit tasks
  • Have the ability to compose factual audit reports and recommend rehabilitative actions
  • Recognize the standards of administration system bookkeeping according to ISO 19011
  • Develop professionally

Day 1
Management systems overview
  • Guidelines for Auditing Management Systems (ISO 19011)

  • Auditing terms and definitions

  • Process for auditing

  • Audit responsibilities

  • Audit evidence and programme

  • Audit scope, objectives and criteria

  • Principles of auditing

  • Typical audit activities

Planning & Initiating

  • Planning the audit

  • Initiating the audit

  • Document review

  • Auditing programming

  • Audit plan and sampling

  • Audit work documents

Day 2
Execute the Audit
  • Opening meeting

  • Communication,

  • attributes and question types

  • Verifying information and recording evidence

  • Internal audit video

  • Nonconformities

  • Simulated internal audit

  • Documenting nonconformities

  • Preparing audit conclusions and the closing meeting


  • Report an audit

  • Typical audit report contents

Day 3

  • Defining and Developing the Internal Audit Process and Establishing the Roles within the Internal Audit Dept.

  • Defining, developing and implementing an Internal Audit Function

  • Defining the distinctions and responsibilities between Internal and External Auditors

  • Identifying the Internal Audit Staff Positions

  • Developing the Audit Committee Charter for a Board of Directors

  • Review of Statements on International Auditing Standards Update and General Auditing Practice Issues

  • Identifying Internal Audit Staffing Requirements

Day 4

  • Examining & Understanding the Differences between Various Types of Audits, including Risk Factors

  • Operational Audits

  • Financial Audits

  • Compliance Audits

  • Fraud and Forensic Audits

  • Information Systems Audits

  • Review of Current Year U.S. Audit Risk Alerts

Day 5
  • Selecting, Procedural Planning & Commencing Internal Audit Examinations

  • Developing Streamlined Processes for Conducting Internal Audit Examinations

  • Identifying Effective Audit Programs for the Various Types of Audits

  • Evaluating and Selecting Internal Audit Methodologies

  • Notifying the Internal Auditee and Supervisors of the Internal Audit Examination and Promoting Cooperation and Assistance in Achieving Common Goals

  • Evaluating Internal Controls Systems and Accessing Network and Computer Files and Folders

  • Effecting Changes to an In-Process Internal Audit Examination

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