Safety Technology & Risk Management

Created by LEC Team
Last updated Mon, 27-Mar-2023
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Unsafe systems can result in monies being lost due to accidents, disruption to production, criminal and civil prosecutions, loss of market share, and the degradation of company assets and the environment


Course Objectives of Safety Technology & Risk Management

  • Apply the principles of hazard identification and assessment of risk to processes and machinery

  • Understand reliability concept and use of failure tracing methods

  • Demonstrate a practical understanding of a quantitative risk assessment technique and the date required for records

  • Advise management on the most effective control methods based on the evaluation of risk

  • Identify the general requirement for the development of a safe system of work

  • Recognize relevant International Standards for Reliability and Machinery Safety

  • Promote a proactive attitude within the individual to hazard analysis

Day 1
Hazard Identification

  • Why do we need safety engineering

  • Examples of major disasters

  • The safety system process

  • Hazard identification

  • Hazard control

  • Criteria for risk tolerability

  • Hazard Identification Techniques

  • Design out hazards

  • Safety standards codes, national and international

  • Safety analysis in engineering

  • Safety analysis in Chemical process

  • Safety analysis in manufacturing

Day 2
Risk Assessment Techniques

  • Safety Management

  • Safety in the system life cycle

  • Hazard identification check-list

  • Process, workplace, work equipment risk assessment

  • Task-based risk assessment

  • Introduction to HAZOP

Day 3
Machinery and Work Equipment Safety

  • Machinery hazard identification

  • Causes and methods for machinery accident prevention

  • HAZOP examples

  • Failure modes, human factors, and software safety

  • Conducting a failure mode and effects analysis

  • Human factors safety analysis

  • Performance and human error

  • Human factors and safety analysis

Day 4
Reliability Technology

  • Types and causes of failures

  • Methods of preventing failure

  • Types of maintenance and inspection regimes

  • Reliability of components and systems

  • Design and reliability of control systems

  • Design and reliability of protective systems

  • The concept of ‘HIPS’

  • Safety Integrity Levels ‘SIL’ selection

Day 5
Consequences Analysis
  • Mechanics of fire, explosion, and toxic releases

  • Dispersion modeling software

  • Types of fire: flash, jet, cascading fires and BLEVE

  • Types of explosion

  • Quantification of risk

  • Event Tree Analysis ‘ETA’

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Updated Mon, 27-Mar-2023
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