Excellence in IT Management

Created by LEC Team
Last updated Mon, 27-Mar-2023
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There are five key modules covering IT strategy, project excellence, communicating technology, operational and crisis management, and commercial acumen. These are the 5 management skills that have been identified as consistently enabling business results and career success for all IT managers. 


Course Objectives of Excellence in IT Management

  • Develop an effective IT strategy

  • Increase project delivery rates and manage a portfolio of projects

  • Lead effectively in a technical crisis

  • Set clear IT contract objectives

  • Effectively negotiate technical agreements

Day 1
Business and IT strategy

  • Business strategy

    • What is strategy?

    • Solving the problems of business strategy

    • Leading approaches to creating a top-level strategy

    • Case study ‘Setting corporate direction’

  • IT strategy

    • A proven process for IT strategy

    • Aligning IT strategy to business priorities

    • Balanced scorecard IT objectives

    • Enterprise architecture in IT strategy

    • Looking for a better way — optimizing IT strategy

    • Strategic plans — plot on a page

    • Communicating strategy

Day 2
Project excellence

  • The advanced project, program, and portfolio management

    • Validating project business cases using investment appraisals and sensitivity analysis

    • IT project management wisdom — lessons learned from successful and failed projects

    • Effective project governance and reporting

    • Project portfolio management guidelines

  • The first 90 days

    • Making an impact — the first 90 days

    • Strategic importance and tactical urgency

    • Case study ‘Priorities of the new IT director’

  • Business change leadership

    • The emotional cycle of business change

    • Guidelines for successful change projects

    • IT's a unique role in business change management

Day 3
Communicating technology

  • Communication skills

    • The art of communicating technology

    • Presenting IT to non-technical audiences

    • Creating a compelling technology message — IT’s an elevator pitch

    • Handling difficult (IT) situations — forum theatre and role play

    • Group debate — What has IT ever done for us?

  • Business relationship management

    • Business relationship scenarios

    • The POSTMAN technique for identifying priority business requirements

    • The advanced use of questioning strategies – opening and closing dialogue

    • Methods of influencing outcomes

Day 4
Operational and crisis management

  • Continual Service Improvement (CSI) models

    • Overview of different frameworks, including ITIL, Six Sigma and Lean IT

    • Techniques of root cause analysis

    • CSI examples and guidelines

  • Crisis leadership

    • Preparing for major (technology) incidents

    • Managing major incidents

    • Leading in crisis — the art of communication

    • Roleplay ‘Handling difficult situations’ — media simulation

Day 5
Commercial acumen

  • Vendors

    • Making good decisions

    • Avoiding supplier pitfalls

    • Choosing good technology partners

    • Creating a culture of partnership

    • Harnessing vendor innovation

  • Essentials of IT contracts 

    • Contract guidelines for successful IT

    • Getting what you want from your legal team

    • Designing contract flexibility

    • Managing IT contract portfolios

  • IT negotiation strategy

    • Creating a negotiation strategy

    • Rational supporting arguments

    • Agreeing on final positions and BATNA

    • Negotiating as a team

    • Delivering better-negotiated outcomes

    • Negotiation role plays and case studies

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