EFQM Principles & Action

Created by LEC Team
Last updated Mon, 27-Mar-2023
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In this course, we will fully explain the EFQM Excellence Model and its 3 main components. Participants will be able to review, reflect on, and practice each component in a group environment. Upon completion, participants will be able to assess their organizations’ level of excellence and determine areas for strategic improvement.


Course Objectives of EFQM Principles & Action

  • Use self-assessment as an improvement tool

  • Develop a roadmap for their organization’s action plan

  • Prioritize improvement actions to ensure effective use of resources

  • Develop a plan to engage people within their organization to drive improvement efforts

  • Utilize tools and techniques to improve performance

  • Defend EFQM’s levels of excellence to determine own goals and aspirations

  • Recognize the cultural aspects of excellence to improve nontangible strengths

Day 1
The EFQM Excellence Model

  • Responding to drivers of change

  • The definition of excellence

  • The 8 Fundamental Concepts (FCs) of excellence

  • Using the 9 excellence model criteria: model dynamics

  • Applying the 5 enablers criteria

  • Applying the 4 results criteria

  • Integrating of FCs into the model

  • Mapping strategic themes using the model

Day 2
Applying the 'RADAR' Logic for Continuous Improvement

  • Elements of 'RADAR': Results, Approach, Deployment, Assess and Refine

  • Using RADAR with enablers

  • Using RADAR with results

  • Identifying organizational strengths and areas for improvement

  • Preparing meaningful feedback to management

Day 3
Excellence Achievement and Recognition

  • EFQM’s recognition schemes and levels of excellence

  • Characteristics of excellent and award-winning organizations

  • Progressing in the journey to excellence

  • Assess and refine attributes

Day 4
Driving Organizational Improvement

  • The Change spectrum

  • RADARizing improvements

  • Criteria for prioritizing organizational improvements

  • 'SMART' objectives

  • Implementing improvements using the 'DMAIC' methodology

  • Cause and effect diagrams

  • Understanding your sphere of influence

  • Four-step process to analyze problems

Day 5
EFQM Model Management Documents
  • The format of the management document

  • Compiling the components of an EFQM management document

  • Using the enabler map to detail approaches

  • Completing a self-assessment using the business excellence matrix

  • Workshop about linking EFQM objectives in your organization

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