Certified ISO 31000 Lead Risk Manager

Created by LEC Team
Last updated Mon, 27-Mar-2023
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. Furthermore, it provides guidance on the selection and application of techniques for assessing risks in a wide range of situations.


Course Objectives of Certified ISO 31000 Lead Risk Manager

  • Demonstrate understanding of risk management principles as formulated in ISO 31000.

  • Establish, maintain and continually improve a risk management framework in accordance with ISO 31000 guidelines.

  • Apply the risk management process in accordance with ISO 31000 guidelines.

  • Plan risk recording, risk communication activities and the reporting processes.

  • Monitor, review and improve the risk management framework and process based on outcomes of the risk management activities.

Day 1
Introduction to Risk Management and ISO 31000

  • Introduction and brief history of Risk Management

  • Presentation of Risk Management standard

  • Overview of fundamental principles of Risk Management

  • Risk Management model

  • Assigning roles and accountabilities

  • Establishing the Risk Management Project Team and drafting the Project Plan

Day 2
Risk Management Strategy and Acquisition

  • Strategic alignment of risk objectives with enterprise objectives

  • Meeting stakeholder needs through benefits realization, risk optimization, and resource optimization

  • Formulating of Risk Management strategy

  • Effectively managing changes in business strategy which are due to the dynamic nature of a business environment

  • Establishing Risk Management strategy committee with the focus on offering advice on value, risk, and performance

  • Acquisition Balancing benefits opportunities, costs, and risks

  • Preparing an acquisition and procurement process

  • Calculation of benefits using financially oriented and non-financially oriented cost-benefit techniques

  • Drafting and implementing cost optimization strategies

Day 3
Introduction to Risk Management concepts as required by ISO 31000

  • Implementation of Risk Management process

  • Continuous improvement through frameworks

  • Interoperability of diverse systems and organizations

  • Risk management identification, analysis and treatment of risk

Day 4
Introduction to Risk Management concepts as required by ISO 31000

  • Implementation of Risk Management process

  • Continuous improvement through frameworks

  • Interoperability of diverse systems and organizations

  • Risk management identification, analysis and treatment of risk

Day 5
Recording and reporting, monitoring and review, and communication and consultation according to ISO 31000
  • Recording and reporting 

  • Monitoring and review 

  • Communication and consultation 

  • Closing of the training course

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