Best Practices of Advanced Drilling

Created by LEC Team
Last updated Mon, 27-Mar-2023
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This covers all aspects of drilling technology, emphasizing both theory and practical application.

This training course builds a firm foundation in the principles and practices of drilling and well planning, drilling fluid, drill string design, hydraulic optimization and drilling hole problems. Participants will learn the components of drilling string and how to use each in optimum ways, how to evaluate the WOB and select the proper size of drill collar. Participants will also be able to apply the practical solution for analyzing the performance of drill string design for both vertical and direction holes.


Course Objectives of Best Practices of Advanced Drilling

  • Drill a well cost effectively and maximize penetration rate & Evaluate stuck pipe problems and avoid potential problems by optimizing hole cleaning and ROP

  • Design, drill string and BOP / wellheads & Design and implement bit and hydraulics programs

  • BHA design for proper deviation, directional and horizontal drilling control & recognize and evaluate well control problems by effectively using Mud Logging principles and techniques

Day 1
Drilling Hole Problems and Practical Solutions

  • Hole Problems (stuck pipe, lost circulation)

  • Impact of Hole Cleaning on Hole Problems

  • Stuck Pipe Types

  • Formation and Problems Related

  • Good Recommendations of Drilling Practices and Preventive Measurements

  • Fishing Tools and Impact on Stuck Pipe

  • Lost Circulation and Types

  • Materials used to Solve the Problems

  • Recommendations and Procedures

  • Losses in and not in the Reservoir

  • New Plug Setting Technique for Healing Sever Loss

  • How to Solve the Problem?

Day 2
Preventing Wash out and Twist Off

  • How you can prevent Washouts?

  • How do you analyze the true pressure loss of a Washout?

  • Bit Selection and Hydraulics Application, including Nozzle Selection

    • Bit Types

    • Rolling Cutter Bits

    • Polycrystalline Diamond Bits

    • Standard Classification of Bits

    • Preparing the Bit to be run in Hole

    • Running in Hole and Drilling out cement and plugs

    • Breaking the Bits

    • Fundamental Parameters Discussion

    • Optimising Drilling Performance

    • Drill Off Test

    • Drill String Dynamic / Vibration

    • Factors related to Bit Run Termination

    • Bit Hydraulic

  • Bit HydraulicBHA and Drill String Design, selection of casing seats, BOP equipment

    • Drill Strings

    • Functions of Drill Pipe, Drill Collars and BHA selection

    • Grades of Drill Pipe and strength properties

    • Thread Types and Tool-joints

    • Drill Collar Weight and Neutral Point

    • Basic Design Calculations based on depth to be drilled

    • Functions of Stabilizers and Roller Reamers

Day 3
Drilling Fluids Planning and Control, Routine and Special Problems

  • Lifting capacity of Drilling Fluids, Pressure losses in the Circulating System and ECD

  • Functions of the Drilling Fluids, Impact of Hydraulic on the Drilling Optimization

  • Parameters affecting on the Drilling Penetrations

  • Drilling Fluid Properties, Functions of Drilling Fluid

  • Mud Properties and Problems related to Mud Properties

  • Seepage Losses Control

Day 4
Well Control & Hydro-dynamic Pressure

  • Well Control

  • Three Phases of Well Control Hydro-dynamic Pressure

  • Equivalent Circulating Density

  • Mud Weight Maintenance

  • Second Line of Defense

  • Induced Kick

  • Kick Detection Team

  • Causes of Kicks while Drilling

  • Indication of Induced Kicks

  • Diverter Guidelines while Drilling

  • Best Kill Procedure for Kick Type

  • Kick Control Team

  • Removing Gas Trapped below the BOP

  • Causes of Kicks while Tripping

  • Diverter Guidelines while Tripping

  • Evaluating the Off Bottom Kick Condition

  • Strip and Bleed Guidelines

  • Volumetric Guidelines

  • Dynamic Lubricates and Bleed Guidelines

  • Third Line of Defense (Underground Blowout)

    • Indication of Underground Blowout

  • Kick Detection in Oil Base Mud

  • Operations that can mask a Kick

  • Well Control Kill Sheet

  • Exercise

Day 5
Planning Including Mud Logging Requirements

  • Introduction

  • Modern Mud Logging Unit

  • Petroleum Engineering Services

  • Gas Analysis

  • Cutting Evaluation

  • Shale Bulk Density

  • Shale Factor

  • Flow Line Temperature

  • Drilling Models

  • Petro Physical Measurements

  • Drilling Porosity

  • Selection a Mud Logging Service

  • Workshop discussing the Drilling problems and How to solve them

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Updated Mon, 27-Mar-2023
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