Advanced Oil and Gas Supply Chain Management

Created by LEC Team
Last updated Mon, 27-Mar-2023
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The organizations that make up the supply chain are “linked” together through physical flows and information flows. There are the physical flows that involve the transformation, movement, and storage of goods and materials. They are the most visible piece of the supply chain; however, just as important are information flows. These allow the various supply chain partners to coordinate their long-term plans, and to control the day-to-day flow of goods and materials up and down the supply chain.

This Supply Chain Operations in the Oil & Gas Industry training course will explore key concepts and solutions that can be employed to optimize the balance between supply chain responsiveness and the costs required to deliver desired business results.


Course Objectives of Advanced Oil and Gas Supply Chain Management 

  • Understand how to maximize the effectiveness of your organisation’s supply chain operations

  • Appreciate the need to work with suppliers to gain tangible business results

  • Use an inventory strategy that increases the cash flow

  • Identify supply chain risk by using analytical tools

  • Apply changes in the organisation in order to make cost and service improvements


Day 1
Understanding the Supply Chain Operations

  • Appreciating the Supply Chain Upstream and Downstream

  • Understanding Internal and External Supply Chains

  • Processes in the Supply Chain

  • Working with Suppliers and Customers

  • Identifying Gaps in Performance

Day 2
How to Manage Inventory Effectively

  • Types of Inventory

  • Maximizing Inventory Turns Through Working with Customers and Suppliers

  • Improving the Cash Cycle Time

  • Making Savings through Inventory Management

  • Improving Supplier Relationship Management

Day 3
Reducing Risks in the Supply Chain

  • Identifying Internal Supply Chain Risks

  • Understanding Risk Management Principles

  • Applying SWOT and PESTLEE Models

  • Risk Management Planning though Contingencies

  • Prioritization of Risks in the Supply Chain

Day 4
Managing Outsourcing in the Organisation

  • What is outsourcing?

  • How to Manage the Outsourced Contract

  • Making Sure that You are not Paying too much for an Outsourced Contract

  • Understanding How to Measure the Performance of Contracts

  • Appreciating Cost / Service Trade-offs

Day 5
Improving the Oil & Gas Supply Chain Operation
  • Measuring the Performance of the Supply Chain

  • Improving the Supply Chain Operation’s Performance

  • Using Suppliers and Customers to Improve the Supply Chain Operation

  • Ensuring the Organisation Develops a Continuous Improvement Strategy

  • Minimizing Risk by Re-engineering the Supply Chain Operation

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