The Complete Programme of Health & Safety Management & Measurement

Created by LEC Team
Last updated Mon, 27-Mar-2023
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Course Objectives of Health & Safety Management & Measurement

  • Identify the sources of harmful acts

  • Explain how safety is everybody's responsibility

  • Recognize that accidental injuries are caused by unsafe acts, behaviors, and conditions

  • Prepare a job safety analysis and give job safety instructions

  • Conduct an accident investigation and complete a meaningful accident report

  • Respond to various work accidents and emergencies

  • Plan and conduct a safety audit


Course Outline of Health & Safety Management & Measurement

Day 1
Definitions and overview

  • Why the concerns for safety?

  • Various definitions of accident, safety, health

  • World Health Organization (WHO) and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)

  • Reaching threshold limit values

  • The 6 Es in safety

Day 2
Industrial hygiene
  • Recognition, evaluation, control

  • Types of hazards in the workplace

  • The four categories of hazards

  • Control methods used in a safe environment

  • Accident costs and reporting

Job Safety Analysis (JSA) and safety audit

  • Objectives of JSA

  • JSA uses

  • Benefits of JSA

  • Procedures to follow for an effective JSA

  • How to keep accurate recordings

  • Importance of an audit

  • Safety audit tools

  • Benefits of a safety audit

  • Consequences after the audit

Day 3
Accidents investigation, reporting, and prevention

  • Accidents and injuries at work

  • Identifying the causes of accidents

  • Contributing causes of accidents

  • Immediate causes of accidents

  • Effects and costs of accidents

  • Reporting requirements

  • Importance of prevention

Day 4
Management of health and safety
  • Planning and setting objectives

  • Organizing to ensure accomplishment

  • Leading to inspire action

  • Controlling performance

  • Concerns for management: safe and sound

Proper behavior in case of an accident

  • Types of work-related accidents

  • First aid basics and their needs

  • Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) in an emergency

  • Calling for help when you need it

Day 5
Ergonomics and good posture
  • Bad work habits and their effects

  • Negative effects of bad ergonomics

  • Correction of bad habits

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Updated Mon, 27-Mar-2023
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