IT Auditing and IT Fraud Detection

Created by LEC Team
Last updated Mon, 27-Mar-2023
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 It covers a wide range of topics such as the abilities of the IT fraud auditor, computer fraud and control, predication, the type and nature of common IT frauds, and the auditors’ legal skills.


Course Objectives of IT Auditing and IT Fraud Detection

  • Define the various types of fraud related to computers and IT

  • Identify the types of antifraud controls and rate their effectiveness

  • Predict the opportunities for fraud presented by advanced technology

  • Employ the most effective methods of detection for different types of IT fraud

  • Explain the advantages and disadvantages of audit software in IT fraud investigation

Day 1
Defining fraud

  • Defining fraud

  • Identifying who commits fraud

  • Fraud auditing

  • Fraud awareness

  • Computer fraud

Day 2
Computer fraud and control

  • Definition of computer fraud

  • Fraud opportunities

  • Nature of computer fraud

  • Opportunities in advanced technology

  • Internet fraud

  • Stopping the hackers

  • What is predication and how does it work

Day 3
Abilities of the IT fraud auditor

  • Goals and objectives of the IT fraud auditor

  • What makes a good IT auditor

  • Finding the right auditor

  • Progression of the fraud examination

  • The auditor’s toolkit

Day 4
Types and nature of common frauds

  • Types of fraud

  • Misappropriation of goods

  • Misappropriation of cash

  • Falsification of books

  • Methods of detection

  • Controlling computer fraud

Day 5
The auditor in court
  • Evidence

  • Relevance of evidence

  • Exclusion of the evidence

  • The chain of custody

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