Effective Quality Assurance & Control

Created by LEC Team
Last updated Mon, 27-Mar-2023
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Course Objective of Effective Quality Assurance & Control

  • Understand the basic roles and responsibilities of a Quality Control/ Quality Assurance functions

  • Understand the basic concept of “quality" and how it fits into an organization’s products, services, and strategies

  • Define the differences between Quality Control and Quality Assurance

  • Adopt quality methodologies that have been used in the relevant industry

  • Overcoming quality-related challenges

  • Acquire the methodologies to detect, collecting data/ information, recording and reporting anomalies

  • Equip oneself with essential measuring and monitoring quality tools

  • Evaluate the quality level statistically

Day 1
Quality Control & Quality Assurance
  • Introduction Quality Control & Quality Assurance

  • Being Best in Class

  • Understanding The Needs of Quality Management System

  • Understanding Customers’ Needs and Expectations?

Managing Quality Effectively

  • Understanding The Juran’s Trilogy for Effective Quality Planning, Implementation, Control, and Improvement

  • Identifying the Challenges Relating To the 3 Components (I.E. Planning, Control, and Improvement)

  • Understanding What Is Quality Assurance

  • Quality Assurance is Everyone Responsibility

Day 2
Cost Of Quality

  • Understanding The Cost Of Quality

  • Understanding Being Effective and Efficient

  • Eliminating The 7 Wastes

  • Applying The COQ Applications for Quality Assurance

Day 3
Quality Management System for Effective QA Management

  • Understanding the Process Model for Effective QA

  • Understanding the Context of the Organization & QMS

  • Demonstrating the Leadership

  • Risk Management for Effective Prevention

  • Effective Resources Management

  • Effective Operations Planning and Control

  • Monitoring, Measurement, Analysis, and Evaluation

  • Remedial, Corrective and Preventive Improvement

  • Case Study: Risk-Based Approach to Effective QA

Day 4
Effective Quality Assurance and Quality Control Management

  • Understanding The Needs and Expectations Of Non-Conformance And Follow-Up Action

  • Effective Way for Correcting a Non-Conforming Product and/ or Process

  • Implementing Controls for Better Process Management

  • Understanding the Difference between Corrective and Preventive Action

Day 5
Effective Quality Management System Improvement for Excellent Business Management System
  • Understanding the Needs for Continual and Continuous Improvement as a Business Catalyst

  • Establishing Kaizen as Platform for Improvement

  • Determining the Essential Tools and Methods for Effective QA/QC

  • Delivering the Buy-In to Addressing the People Issues

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