Behavior Based Safety Management System (BBS)

Created by LEC Team
Last updated Mon, 27-Mar-2023
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The course addresses the change management process which can be a challenge for some organizations seeking significant improvement in their health and safety performance. When routine and traditional risk reduction approaches do not produce the desired results, a new strategy should be put in place. With many real-life examples and interactive exercises, a step-by-step process is introduced to enable participants to influence health and safety policies and procedures in their organizations. Moreover, participants will be ready to take a leadership role in promoting good health and safety practices and implementing related changes.


Course Objectives of Behaviour-Based Safety

  • Enhance your ability to effectively manage a safety and health program

  • Develop skills in safety supervision, leadership, and evaluation

  • Identify and list safety and health training needs

  • Assess and measure a safety and health culture

  • Effectively measure a safety culture program after implementation


Day 1
Characteristics of an Effective Safety Culture

  • Does Management Commitment Make a Difference?

  • Top Management Commitment and Employee Involvement

  • Effective Communication

  • Analyzing Incidents and Accidents

  • Defining a Value System

  • Why Do Safety Cultures Fail?

Day 2
Human Barriers to Safety, and Behavior-Based Intervention

  • Behavior-Based Psychology

  • The Complexity of People

  • Sensation, Perception, and Perceived Risk

  • Identifying Critical Behavior

  • Behavioral Safety Analysis

  • Intervening with Activators

  • Intervening with Consequences

  • Intervening as a Behavior-Change Agent

Day 3
Safety Supervision and Leadership

  • Safety Responsibilities

  • Identifying and Correcting Hazards

  • Ensuring Safety Accountability

  • Creating a Culture of Consequences

  • Tough-Caring Leadership

Day 4
Journey to a Safety Culture
  • Pathway to Safety Excellence

  • Developing Goals and Objectives

  • Identifying and Establishing Goals

  • Conducting Self-Assessments  and Benchmarking

  • Change Analysis

Actively Caring for Safety

  • Understanding Actively Caring

  • Psychology of Actively Caring

  • Person-Based Approach to Actively Caring

  • Increasing Actively Caring Behaviors

Day 5
Measuring the Safety Culture
  • The Nature of All Safety Systems

  • Assessment Techniques

  • The Deming Cycle

  • What should be Evaluated?

  • Evaluation Tools

  • Developing and Implementing the Action Plan

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Updated Mon, 27-Mar-2023
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